
A Quirky and Vibrant Mosaic - CTM june 2005

A Quirky and Vibrant Mosaic - Christianity Today Magazine: "The British historian David Bebbington suggests this overall summary of evangelical distinctives:

Conversionism: the belief that lives need to be transformed through a 'born again' experience.

Activism: the expression of the gospel in missionary and social reform efforts.

Biblicism: a particular regard for the Bible as the ultimate authority.

Crucicentrism: a stress on the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the Cross as making possible the redemption of humanity.

Under this overarching description, Roman Catholics, mainline Protestants, and Orthodox can be evangelicals even while remaining within denominational structures that might shirk the term. The National Association of Evangelicals bars denominations that are members of the National Council of Churches, and yet many of those denominations have constituents who gladly call themselves evangelicals."


At 1 augustus 2005 om 21:18, Blogger sneuper said...

Hallo Peter,

Je bent een ijverige blogger!! Hoeveel hou je er eigenljk bij?

Ik heb een link naar jou op mijn blog geplaatst: http://christenboek.blogspot.com en op mijn linkspagina http://boek.favos.nl

Mag ik zo onbescheiden zijn ook een link naar mijn blog terug te vragen?

Succes met bloggen,



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